At Horsted School, our curriculum is based on the September 2014 National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 & 2, the Early Years 2021 framework in Reception, the Medway Syllabus for Religious Education and the Relationship, Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.
A rigorous, well planned curriculum combined with high quality teaching ensures that children are supported to be well-rounded, empathetic young people who have a thirst for learning. Children develop a strong sense of moral purpose in addition to a respect for and understanding of people who have different characteristics to themselves, whether that be age, disability, gender, race or sexuality.
We place a strong emphasis on the development of the basic skills necessary to be confident, articulate and independent learners within a broad, wide-ranging and challenging curriculum.
Planning for the majority of subjects is based on our school vision where a subject specific approach is employed. The key drivers of this approach are that children will be STARS
1. Striving (they will be determined, persevere and they try hard);
2. Thoughtful (They will be creative, logical and curious about their world and those around them);
3. Ambitious (personally, emotionally and academically);
4. Resilient (be motivated, be able to problem-solve and stay positive) and;
5. Supportive (of themselves, others and their wider community).
Our curriculum complies fully with our duties in the Equality Act 2010, and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, making the curriculum accessible for those with SEND. Inclusion underpins everything we aim to achieve as a school to ensure that "we all flourish from a wealth of learning experiences that positively impact our educational, physical and emotional success."
Learning and Development
There are seven areas of learning and development that shape the educational provision in the Horsted early years classrooms.
All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.
The Prime Areas
· Personal, Social and Emotional Development
· Communication and Language
· Physical Development
Staff will also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.
Specific Areas
· Literacy
· Mathematics
· Knowledge of the world
· Expressive arts and design
With all 4 and 5 year old children, there will be a huge variation in development. For this reason, the EYFS curriculum is responsive to the children’s needs and interests so that all children can flourish from a wealth of learning experiences.
Starting in EYFS and continuing into the KS1, children study English through Read Write Inc which is an all-encompassing programme that develops skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar enabling them to communicate confidently.
Once children have completed their journey of learning to read with Read Write Inc, they progress into English lessons (based on Literacy Counts plans called Read to Write) which use a high-quality text to inform and develop their reading, writing and grammar knowledge. Handwriting skills are taught to children throughout their time at Horsted with the aim that they can write in fully-cursive script. English skills are not only taught in literacy sessions but throughout the whole curriculum.
Most children love books and stories; we aim to make reading fun alongside recognising it as a skill that children will use for information and enjoyment for the rest of their lives. All children follow a carefully balanced programme of individual reading from books of graded difficulty matched to their phonetic understanding. Children also have access to our well-stocked library and can take a general interest book home that they can share with their parents.
20 minutes reading homework is expected 3 times per week for every pupil in the school. Any additional reading put in the diary will earn a reward. Discussing the characters, vocabulary and the story is also extremely beneficial. Pupils follow a graduated reading scheme that develops their reading skills and matches their phonological awareness. As pupils become older, competent readers, parents should encourage independent reading, although we still ask you to sign a homework diary to say that your child has read.
We follow White Rose Scheme of learning in maths where children learn mostly through practical activities. These activities will enthuse and motivate children to learn. When they are ready, more formal numeracy lessons are introduced but these are always based on practical situations. Each child is expected to reach the highest standard that she or he is capable of. We want children to look on mathematics as an interesting and enjoyable tool that can be used in many situations.
From Year 2, homework is usually set twice a week – a learning task (numbots, times table rockstars) and a written task.
Knowledge and Skills
Year 1 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 2 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 3 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 4 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 5 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 6 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Science is taught in line with the National Curriculum, focussing on practical activities that improve observational techniques, prediction, classifying, pattern seeking, modelling and investigational skills. Lessons are planned from the Kent Science Scheme. Children make links with prior knowledge and learning in order to make progress through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. They will develop an increasingly scientific vocabulary and apply their mathematical skills to various opportunities to present and handle data from investigations.
Foundation Subjects
Horsted School follows all subjects in the National Curriculum. These are taught discretely from one another although children are always encouraged to apply their learning between disciplines. We use Kapow Primary for lesson planning.
Children learn geography and history by exploring, observing and developing an awareness of things around them in the past and present. We teach and encourage understanding of the influences and impact of what they have learnt.
The foundation subjects also cover computing, design and technology, art and music. In these areas, children are encouraged to use their imaginative, creative and technological skills, inventing and composing models, pictures and music.
Throughout the year children are taught new methods and skills to develop their learning and ability; they are encouraged to communicate their findings through written, technological and creative evidence.
Creative learning is widely understood to be characterised by
- questioning and challenging
- making connections and seeing relationships
- envisaging what might be
- exploring ideas, keeping options open, reflecting critically on ideas, actions and outcomes
Year 1 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 2 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 3 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 4 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 5 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 6 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 1 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 2 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 3 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 4 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 5 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 6 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 1 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 2 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 3 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 4 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 5 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 6 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Design and Technology
Year 1 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 2 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 3 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 4 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 5 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 6 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 1 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 2 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 3 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 4 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 5 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 6 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Religious Education and Collective Worship
Our RE curriculum is underpinned by the Medway Syllabus for Religious Education. Our aim is to help children to understand and respect the religious and moral values of our society and to develop a positive attitude towards other races, religions and ways of life.
RE and collective worship develops children's understanding of different faiths' beliefs and practices, compares different religious practices, asks the children to make personal reflections and asks them to answer ultimate questions. Our curriculum explores many faiths including Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and other secular beliefs such as humanism. All children visit different places of worship in their time at Horsted school within our local community.
All registered pupils must, by law, take part in collective worship and follow the agreed syllabus for Religious Education unless they are withdrawn by their parent. A prayer or reflection time may form part of this special time. The school has no specific denominational affiliation.
Please speak to the Headteacher if you intend to withdraw your child from these activities. A sample of lessons can be provided for parents on request. Pupils who are withdrawn remain with the class teacher, teaching assistant or voluntary assistant and continue with alternative current class work.
We have a dedicated computing suite and computing teacher. Children learn to use various software to explore networking, internet searching and coding (including algorithms and bug-fixing). Underpinning all computing lessons is an awareness of online safety and being responsible digital citizens. We use Kapow Primary for lesson planning.
Computing is used to enhance the curriculum in all subjects.
Knowledge and Skills
Year 1 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 2 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 3 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 4 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 5 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Physical Education and Sport
The school has two halls, large playgrounds which include playground markings, a skills area, MUGA pitch and a field. We promote physical activity and an awareness of a healthy lifestyle through dance, gym and games. Time is set aside every day for these physical activities. Skills are taught in a progressive manner developing physical co-ordination. During lessons an awareness of others is developed through co-operation and sharing. All children are taught how to exercise and use equipment safely.
French is taught from Y3, with the emphasis being on developing the ability to speak and understand French words and phrases, listen attentively and join in when required, reading carefully to extend their vocabulary and writing phrases and sentences. We use Kapow Primary for lesson planning
Knowledge and Skills
Year 3 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 4 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 5 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Year 6 - Knowledge and Skill Organisers
Relationships, Sex and Health Education
The aims of relationships, sex and health education lessons (which are underpinned throughout by fundamental British Values) at Horsted are to help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy. We help pupils, along with the good examples set by parents and carers, form positive relationships and understand what to do if those relationships break down. Whilst there is a long-term plan for RSHE, this curriculum is highly adaptable to specific cohorts depending on their level of need.
RSHE also helps pupils to understand what it means to be healthy and to understand their emotions. Children learn about diverse relationships including the relationships between same-sex couples which are listed in the Equality Act as a Protected Characteristic and they develop tolerance and understanding for people from all backgrounds. Children also learn about the names of body parts and as they get older, lessons prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene. Lessons are always age appropriate.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from any sex education (unless it is part of the statutory science curriculum). Please speak to the Headteacher if you wish your child to be withdrawn. A sample of lessons can be provided for parents on request.